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Baldwin Park Operable Unit (BPOU) Project.
  • Status: Underway

    • Watermaster, along with six other water entities, signed a landmark agreement for groundwater cleanup in the Baldwin Park Operable Unit. As a result of the negotiated agreement, responsible parties agreed to pay millions of dollars toward research, cost recovery, and treatment plant construction and operating expenses in the cleanup effort.

BPOU Project Extranet -- This is a restricted site accessible to parties of the 2002 Baldwin Park Operable Unit Project Agreement. Contact site administrator here if you have any questions or comments regarding the BPOU Project Extranet Site. 

Location of other USEPA Operable Units


Basinwide Ground Water Elevation Monitoring Program (BGWEMP).
  • Status: Underway.

    • BGWEMP has established a network of wells in the Basin for which water level elevations are measured on a regular and permanent basis. The project is also designed to facilitate the coordination of existing water-level monitoring done by other agencies under one comprehensive program.

Ongoing Activities and Programs

 Following are some of the regular ongoing activities conducted by Watermaster:

  • Review Section 28 permit applications for construction, modification, and destruction of wells, and for construction of water treatment facilities.

  • Record water production by Basin producers on a quarterly basis.

  • Approve water production rights transfers (leases and sales) between producers in the Basin.

  • Collect and analyze water quality samples from wells to assist producers in meeting Title 22 requirements.

  • Test producers' water measurement devices to ensure accuracy in recording amounts of production.

  • Inspect active landfills in the Basin.

  • Review and provide comments on water-related studies and proposals submitted to Watermaster by other agencies.

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